
Magnesium and Epsom Salts: their role in aiding sleep and emotional balance

If you're anything like me, sleep doesn't always come too easily. You may find yourself tossing and turning all night just screaming at your mind to 'Please Stop!' so you can get some rest. Insomnias a tough cycle to break and, if you suffer from it, I'm sure you'll agree that your days go a… Continue reading Magnesium and Epsom Salts: their role in aiding sleep and emotional balance


Insomnia 101

Sleep is so important to our health. It allows our bodies to repair and our brains to process information. Lack of sleep can lead to forgetfulness, irritability and general feelings of low mood as well as affecting us physically. As a bit of an insomniac myself, the struggle is real in the quest of catching… Continue reading Insomnia 101